Feb 20th 2024, 6 – 8 pm. Venue: St Mary the Virgin church hall, Dover. Refreshments from 5.30 pm.
Join us at our Information Evening if you want to learn more about our vision for Dover district and how you can become involved. Speakers will include Maggie Filipova-Rivers from City of Sanctuary UK; Councillors from Dover Town, and Deal Town; Alex Dean from Schools of Sanctuary/Samphire. Guest speakers Dr Alex Ntung (author and Country Expert on the Great Lakes region) and Aram Rawf (Inclusion Development Officer/Samphire) will share their journey and experiences as refugees.
Working together
The event will outline the aims of Cliffs of Sanctuary and our umbrella group City of Sanctuary UK movement. Dover and Deal Town Councils will share their plans for becoming Towns of Sanctuary. Other speakers will highlight how any organisation, institution or community group can work towards the Award of being a Place of Sanctuary, where refugees are welcomed and included. To inspire us, two refugees will share the story of their personal journey.
We hope you can join us please RSVP.
More information: [email protected]