Thanks to all who attended our launch Information Evening on February 20th. We were delighted with the turnout – representatives from 20 organisations attended, including 10 councillors, as well as interested individuals. We are excited and inspired by this launch.
Dover Town Council’s City of Sanctuary champions will be submitting their report on the Evening at a Council Meeting on Wednesday 20th March at 6 pm. Observers are welcome to attend. While Deal Town Council are getting ready to be assessed for the Award of Town Sanctuary.
Thanks to our funders, Dover Town Council, and big thanks to our guest speakers:-
- To Alex Ntung and Aram Rawf who shared their journey to sanctuary in the UK, with memories of time spent at the old Detention Centre on Dover’s Western Heights;
- To Maggie Filipova-Rivers, our south-east area and LGA representative who gave an excellent summary of the history, aims and achievements of City of Sanctuary UK.
- To councillors John Bird (Dover Town Council) and Ben Bano (Deal Town Council) who shared their council’s plans to become a Town of Sanctuary
- To Alex Dean from Samphire, who shared about the Schools of Sanctuary stream
The next Information Evening will be in late May, when related organisations will share about their work with refugees in our area.